Warcraft 3 maps missing mod#
Unfortunately, this mod also shows that the engines of SC2 and WC3 are very different. There are a few bugs and missing features, but updates will surely follow in near future. You can test it in the PTR's Arcade on Lost Temple. The Chinese modder Renee aleready updated and published her own WC3 remake with these new models. The benefit of this coming from Blizzard is that it comes directly from Blizzard. This huge asset pack now makes it easier for modders to create fantasy maps or better remakes of WC3 classics.
Warcraft 3 maps missing update#
The update of ~600mb contains nearly all models and sounds from WarCraft III and its Expansion The Frozen Throne. Some of them could have already been seen on BlizzCon 2013. In addition to the WC3 models, Blizzard added a couple of improved models with higher quality. They are available on the Public Test Realm (PTR). If it isnt, then you can turn your settings to default.Blizzard added all WarCraft III models to StarCraft II. This should be the exact solution of your friend's crash problem. If you have one profile then you'll see one profile in your online files. If you cant find " restricted bla bla then you'r not in the right profile, if you have more than one profile. After double click online files, double click config file again, and you'll see " restricted=1 " if it's "1" try changing "1" to "0", if its "0" try changing "0" to "1". MORE IMPORTANT : C:/users/user/appdata/roaming/Command&Conquer3 Kane's wrath/Profiles(be sure your main profile while you'r creating your new acc in kw)/Online files.

i.e (you have two kane's wrath folder in registry, but one of them is correct folder.) But in my opinion something missing, maybe missing dword key in registry, maybe custommapsregistry executable file installed keys different kane's wrath location in registry. I tried these solutions in win vista 32 bit/ 64bit and win7 32bit/64bit and it all works without problem, try other custom maps like tib garden, if you didnt try.
Warcraft 3 maps missing Offline#
I tried transferring a custom map to ballettii and he got to 60% and his game crashed (im his friend)īut it does not mean his issue didn't fix, cuz he can download custom map to %60, maybe issue is different, it might be compatibility issue or missing registry issue, try change registry lines manually, and start game while origin is offline mode, he should check if his maps folder in right directory or he created maps folder in right directory. I ran the program form cnc labs that fixes the registry, but it hasnt seemed to add a maps folder in my kanes wrath folder (location im looking in: C:\Users\User\AppData\Roaming\Command and Conquer 3 Kanes Wrath) Do i have to ad a maps folder my self? This post has been edited by cahit1234: Sep 20 2014, 18:32 PM Also fixed launchers very useful for UC users NEW UPDATE : -In this site you can find CNC Ultimate Collection Custom Maps Registry fix file download it. This site shows you how change your registry files by yourself without file. If it still does not work blame me but i did the same and worked. And double click on that file then you should be done. If it does not work, then search origin custom map issue in google, it will lead you a file which same as regedit file, download it. I mean turn online origin to offline mode and start the game.And try start multiplayer game in custom map. So first of all can you try open your game without origin online. Where do i know cuz i m origin user too and i can play custom maps ^^. Oh mate, i have exact solution for your problem.